
Fractured Woman
Fractured Woman by Toni Ortner utilizes the prose poem to confront the urgent social, political and environmental events of our times. In "Report on Easter Sunday from the Third Planet from the Sun" the writer responds to the devastation caused by climate change, acts...

Writing Shiva
Writing Shiva is a fast-moving, drily humorous memoir about growing up as a Jewish girl during World War II in Woodmere, Long Island where the struggle to assimilate contrasts with the deep family ties and cultural roots that even illness and death cannot sever....

A White Page Demands Its Letters
In A White Page Demands Its Letters, Toni Ortner records the pain of divorce and other loss. The poetic cycle, Dream Sequence, placed here in chronological order, has a raw intensity that strikes the reader like a knife in the heart. The poet must invent a new self in...

Traveling, a Perspective
Toni Ortner lives in Putney, Vermont. She has had seventeen books published by fine small presses, fifteen of which are poetry books. If you wish to see new writing, descriptions of her books and reviews, go to and look at her column Old Lady Blog....

Currents We Never Dream Of
Currents We Never Dream Of by Toni Ortner was written when the poet was in her late thirties in a state of transition. The closest one might get to defining the genre would be prose poetry. This is a spiritual journey yet so much more. It explores the currents that...

In JEOPARDY Toni Ortner explores grief and loss, and the path to acceptance, “It’s riotous enough to love. / Be my sweet morning dove. / Let go of the black cloth of mourning. / I will weave you a nest of sweet grass and sun.” “In the midst of this litany of grief”...

The Water Poems
An elegant pink water lily floats on the cover of The Water Poems by Toni Ortner. This beautifully printed book contains 24 clear poems that have appeared in fine literary magazines. Toni’s work alters to record and encompass what is, so this book among l6 others is...

Writing with Our Blood
by Moon Publishing and Printing, Inc. This book honors famous women writers, artists and visionaries of the 20th century as well as ordinary women who were innocent victims of war and genocide. A special section is devoted to Lyn Lifshin, and there are poems about...

"Summoned contains the stories of six famous women from history, each on a spiritual path. I have selected specific women who, through their positive vision, significantly altered their society. "Each woman tells her story from first person point of view as I imagined...

The Ides of March
The poems in The Ides of March were published in literary journals during the l970's during the Women's Movement, a time of consciousness raising groups. At that time Toni Ortner who lived in New York edited and published Connections which was supported by grants from...